Generate QR Code

Scan QR Code

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What are QR Codes?

QR codes (Quick Response codes) are two-dimensional barcodes that store information as a series of black and white squares. Unlike traditional barcodes, which are one-dimensional and read horizontally, QR codes can store data in both horizontal and vertical directions. This allows QR codes to store significantly more information, such as URLs, contact details, Wi-Fi credentials, and more.

How Do QR Codes Work?

QR codes are made up of a unique pattern of black squares arranged on a white background. This pattern encodes information, which can be decoded by a QR code scanner or a smartphone camera. When a QR code is scanned, the device reads the pattern, interprets the data, and performs the associated action (e.g., opening a link or connecting to Wi-Fi).

QR Code Generators and Scanners

A QR code generator converts input data (such as text, URLs, phone numbers, or Wi-Fi credentials) into a QR code image that can be scanned. A QR code scanner, on the other hand, decodes the information stored in the QR code. In modern applications, QR code scanning can be done using the camera of a smartphone or a dedicated scanner device.

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